Leanne’s top priorities for Palmetto Bay

In her second term as your Vice Mayor Leanne will continue to:



our community and the special charm that makes Palmetto Bay home for us.

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our parks and public spaces through efficient and effective oversight of our local government actions.



your interests through collaborative leadership within our Village, with our surrounding municipalities, and with County and State leaders.

Leanne’s Positions:

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Accountable Government

Our Council has successfully worked with a new Village Manager and Village Attorney, and I have enjoyed using my experience and skills to ensure that these Charter Officers remain committed to the priorities of our residents. We incorporated as a Village to control our budget, encourage citizen participation, and set policies that reflect our priorities. I will continue to work to make sure that our government prioritizes responsiveness and quality work by valued staff. We have succeeded in instituting strong oversight of budgeting and monthly management, and I’ll continue to provide that while collaborating with the other members of council to keep the peace and keep moving our community forward. Together, we can continue to keep our taxes low, yet protect our property values and maintain the high quality of life we enjoy.

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Quality of Life

We maintain a high quality of life in Palmetto Bay, and that is due in large part to our professional police force and the natural beauty of our parks and residential neighborhoods.  I’ll continue to prioritize the proper maintenance of our parks and roadways, as well as the protection of the quiet enjoyment of your homes. Years ago I brought forward the Neighborhood Protection provisions to our Village Charter, and I’ll continue to advocate for my neighbors throughout Palmetto Bay.  We also have some areas that are poised for more development, and I’ll continue to apply my business, legal and mediation experience and skills towards productive negotiations with our commercial property owners.     

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Traffic Mitigation

Growing traffic congestion must continue to be addressed with the input of professionals and coordinated efforts of staff & council. While there is no quick fix to the growing congestion our area faces, there are factors that our local government has contributed to that have had some impact. Our council & staff work with our schools and families to minimize the increase in vehicles during drop off and pick up hours. We have enforced speed limits and traffic signs to discourage disruptive cut through traffic. We will continue to increase our efforts to collaborate with the County and neighboring municipalities to effectuate regional changes, and we can lobby for state and federal funding to improve our public transportation options. This is not an easy area of governance, but it is an area I am committed to making an impact in for the benefit of all our residents. I worked over 2.5 years to resolve the issues that arose when a set of stop signs were removed from 82nd Avenue and 148th Drive. I’ll work throughout the course of my 2nd term as Vice Mayor to continue to bring improvements throughout Palmetto Bay!


Protecting Our Environment

I grew up playing in Cutler Ridge Park, biking up Franjo Road and boating on Biscayne Bay. I have raised my kids camping and fishing from the Everglades to the Bahamas, Lake Okeechobee to Key West. For nearly 30 years, Coral Reef Park and the Deering Estate have felt like our extended back yards. So it is of utmost concern to me that Palmetto Bay continue to earn its titles as the Village of Parks and Tree City USA. I will continue to work hard to preserve parkland we currently hold and carefully consider land that may potentially be acquired. Through strategic planning and careful implementation, we can continue to make ecologically smart decisions to keep utilities low and impacts minimized. Long term planning needs are consider rising sea levels and increased tidal flooding that threatens to impact our coastal areas and septic systems. As council liaison to our Resiliency Committee, I have enjoyed seeing the impact our efforts can have if we work together for the better of our community. We’ve implemented 2 recycling drives per year for our Village residents, removing tons of trash from our homes & waste system. Our system of canals also require attention and management, which has been made significantly more attainable with the addition of our police boat during my 1st term as Vice Mayor. My experience will continue to guide me in working with the SFWMD and county for protection and enforcement measures designed to minimize erosion and maximize the safe use of these waters.


Strong Partnerships with Schools

Palmetto Bay has some of the best public and private schools in the county. They are, and should continue to be, strong partners with our local government and residents. I have the experience and skills to strengthen these partnerships, in part because I’ve spent the last 30 years developing extensive knowledge of, and contacts within, Dade County Public Schools. I served the Village from 2012 through 2015 as the first Chair of our Educational Compact Committee, leading a team of volunteers in negotiations with the public school system. Since then I’ve served as the Council Liason for this vital group, continued to volunteer with School Board committees and collaborated with our PTA/PTSA organizations. Taking my commitment to public schools a step further, in 2022 I joined the teaching staff at Coral Reef Senior High School as the Lead Teacher for the Legal & Public Affairs Academy. I will continue to put these experiences and connections to work for our residents as I continue to serve as your Vice Mayor.

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Our Village Council needs to be able to understand and act on these and many more issues to ensure we are taking care of our Village.  As your Vice Mayor, I promised to know when to fight and when to compromise. My record and reputation show I work hard to meet that promise for you. I also work hard at understanding our problems and creating solutions.  I will continue to work with others to resolve our problems, and be flexible when flexibility is what’s needed. I will continue to demonstrate my maturity and even keeled approach to compromise when compromise is what’s needed. I will fight with all of my skills as a litigator when fighting is what’s needed.  And I plan to continue to bring the wisdom and experience to recognize the different situations and mediate the outcome for the benefit of everyone in our community. It is not easy work, but it is truly something that I enjoy doing for Palmetto Bay. I hope I have earned your support for another term.

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